The decision to build the Library was made by the Executive board of the society in 1992. In 1996 the members of the Library committee organized its contents and published a book catalog which they distributed to all the members of the society. Click here for related messages on that occasion. An updated version of the book and tape catalog is found in these web pages.

The library contains primarily books and other materials related to Kardamyla and to our island Chios. In addition, every effort is made to include books related to the Greek Orthodox Church and to our Greek American community at large. The Society continues to enrich the library by purchasing additional books every year and accepts books donated by its members and friends.

The books are available for borrowing by its members.

Click below to download the full catalog

Catalog of books & tapes

Message from Mr. Manolis Sazaklis

The library will play a major part toward achieving our society’s goal which is to organize and promote cultural, educational and charitable activities for the perpetuation of our ethnicity and civilization with emphasis on activities related to our ancestral home, Kardamyla.

True to our society’s purpose, the library will include only material related to our Hellenic Heritage, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Greek - American community at large.

The committee members recognize that the organization of our library is an on-going commitment not only to our members but also to all Greek-Americans and Philellenes, and promises to continually upgrade the library with appropriate books, videos, magazines and newspapers.

At first the library is available every second Wednesday of the month, except during the summer months of July and August, from 6:00 PM through 11:00 PM. We have plans, in the near future, to schedule additional days at which time we will notify you. Members in good standing can request to borrow books and other materials by mail.

On behalf of the Executive Council, I urge you to support this institution, our Library, by visiting and making use of it, and by making book contributions and donations.

Many people contributed to the library’s existence and they all deserve our gratitude. Among them I will like to congratulate the previous Executive Council and its president John Lignos for deciding the establishment of the Library, John, for designing the library furniture, Nikolaos Marinakis for purchasing on behalf of our society and bringing here most of the books from Greece, and Kalliopi Notias, Despina Kefalas, Irene Polemis and Stavros Notias for categorizing the books, writing descriptions, translating and organizing this directory. They all deserve our sincere gratitude.

Manolis Sazaklis


Message from Mrs. Irene Polemis

A library contains not only the written works the library holds but it contains also the spirit of its readership.

The decision to build the library made by the 1992 executive board of the Metropolitan Society of Kardamylians will stand within the library’s design and structure as much as the words and meaning of the books themselves.

The library represents the thirst for gnosis and morphosis and descends from our exceptional forefathers, ancient, Biblical and the recent children of the Diaspora, our grandfathers and grandmothers.

We must be proud of our library and open it each time as if we were opening a book, in loving remembrance, in reverent prayer and thanks, and with an Orthodox will for knowledge as tenacious and persistent as the generations themselves.

Irene Polemis


Message from Miss Despina Kafalas

The purpose of our library is to contribute in the creation of profound change in our consciousness as Greek Americans of Kardamylian descent, by chronicling the diversity of our heritage in the international human community.

Our goal is to preserve an authentic picture of our heritage in this climate of revisionist history and the marginalization of different people and ethnic groups. With our contribution in the fields of business, art, law, medicine, education, engineering, architecture, social work, the family and home, all equally respectable, joining together can our vision be accomplished.

This library can help launch interests in our children and ourselves that can have a direct and influential impact on the future of our culture, but also, it could contribute to a movement that aligns increasing numbers of Greeks around timeless values and beliefs that are necessary for our survival.

Since September 1995, the library was formed for the furthering of our young and old and is open for our enjoyment every second Wednesday of the month. A. N. Whitehead, a mathematician and a philosopher once said "When you understand all about the sun and all about the atmosphere, and all about the rotation of the Earth, you may still miss the radiance of the sunset". Your contributions in books and donations makes a difference to our radiance.

Thank you

Despina Kefalas